Jute Bags

India, Gujarat, Ahmedabad, Ashram Road
Published 3 months ago
ID #2781
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Condition: New
Jute Bags
India, Gujarat, Ahmedabad, Ashram Road,
Published 3 months ago


Jute Bags
Size: 10"W x 11"h x 5"g
Handle: cotton webbing with filler rope
Fabric: natural jute with lamination
Zip: Yes
Quantity: 50
Price: 55 INR
GST: 12% extra
Transportation: Extra


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    Registered on 4. Apr 2024


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    Listing location

    India, Gujarat, Ahmedabad, Ashram Road
    51, 5th Floor, Chitra Ami Apartment, Opp. Old RBI, Ashram Road