USB Mini Aroma Diffuser

India, Saharanpur
Last update 4 months ago
ID #2715
500.00 Rs
Condition: New
Transaction: Sell
USB Mini Aroma Diffuser
India, Saharanpur,
Modified 4 months ago


This cute little diffuser is very comfaoratbe to carry with you anywhere. Carry it with your laptop to your office, coffeeshop or any other place. Simply fill i some water and fragrance, plug it in your Laptop USB slot and it's done. Theres a cable included to use the diffuser with an USB adaptor.
Lemongrass Essential Oil is also availabe seperately at Rs.250 only


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    Private person
    Registered on 19. Mar 2024


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    500.00 Rs
    Contact seller 639814xxxx

    Seller's info

    Private person
    Registered on 2024/03/19

    Listing location

    India, Saharanpur