500 sq.ft Commercial Shop for Rent In Asansol

India, West Bengal, Āsansol, Asansol
Published 3 months ago
ID #2757
1 photo
50000.00 Rs
Condition: New
Transaction: Rent
500 sq.ft Commercial Shop for Rent In Asansol
India, West Bengal, Āsansol, Asansol,
Published 3 months ago


500 sq.ft Commercial Shop for Rent in Asansol. Hutton Road Good Location. For Enquiry call and whats app 9635420040


Contact seller

    Private person
    Registered on 29. Mar 2024


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    50000.00 Rs
    Contact seller 963542xxxx

    Seller's info

    Private person
    Registered on 2024/03/29

    Listing location

    India, West Bengal, Āsansol, Asansol
    Hutton Road Asansol