Digital Business Card

Last update 3 months ago
ID #2768
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11.99 $
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Transaction: Sell
Digital Business Card
Modified 3 months ago


Upgrade You're Networking: LYKI Digital Business Card - Streamline you're connections with our innovative digital solution. Customize you're card, share seamlessly, and make lasting impressions. Join the digital revolution today! Visit our website for more details.

Digital business cards offer various features designed to enhance networking and connectivity in the digital age. Here are some common features:

Contact Information: Like traditional business cards, digital versions include basic contact details such as name, job title, company name, phone number, email address, and physical address.
Interactive Elements: Digital business cards often include interactive elements such as clickable links to websites, social media profiles, and email addresses, making it easy for recipients to connect and engage further.
Customization Options: Users can often customize the design, colors, fonts, and layout of their digital business cards to match their branding or personal preferences.
Dynamic Content: Some digital business card platforms allow users to update their information in real-time, ensuring that recipients always have access to the most current details.
Analytics: Many digital business card services offer analytics features that provide insights into how recipients interact with the card, such as how many times it's been viewed or which links have been clicked.
QR Codes: Digital business cards often include QR codes that recipients can scan with their smartphones to quickly save contact information or access additional content.
Integration with CRM Systems: Some platforms offer integration with customer relationship management (CRM) systems, allowing users to seamlessly transfer contact information from their digital business cards to their CRM databases.
Multi-Language Support: Digital business cards can support multiple languages, making them suitable for international networking.
Offline Access: While digital, these cards can often be accessed offline, ensuring that recipients can view contact information even without an internet connection.
Security Features: To protect privacy and sensitive information, digital business card platforms may include security features such as password protection or encryption.
Sharing Options: Users can easily share their digital business cards via email, text message, social media, or other digital channels, expanding their reach and networking opportunities.
Compatibility: Digital business cards are compatible with various devices and operating systems, ensuring accessibility for a wide range of recipients.


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    Private person
    Registered on 1. Apr 2024


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    11.99 $
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    Private person
    Registered on 2024/04/01

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